You really dont realize how fast life flys by until you have had childen I believe. Watching them grow and become little people really blows me away! There is no time like the presence so take advantage of the times you have while their young because it goes sooooooooooo fast! I feel like it was seriously just last year I had my son Chase, who has now turned 4 today.  As I woke up this morning, I felt his little body right below mine as he curled up in between us sometime in the middle of the night. His mouth wide open and little hands strectehd out  as if he was ready to catch something. I sat up and just couldnt help but to watch him sleep, he truly is such a blessing in our lives, his vibrant personality, strong voice and his slobbery smooches every day, truly make me a very happy momma!

Chase tells me he loves me probably 100 times a day, he just runs up to me and hugs me and says “momma… I love you” and I never find my self too busy to stop and hug him back and say it right back to him! He is my little ray of sunshine, seriously he looks like a huge sunshine when he runs towards you. He cracks us up on a daily basis with the things that he says, for instance yesterday he says “momma, I had a dream last night” “really hunny what was it about?”

“well it was about an army optocopter (helicopter) and it flew over me and brought down a dinosaur with two brains”

“really two brains?”

and he says “He was a really smart dinosaur”

I said “was?”

“yeah he died because he didnt no how to fly”

I guess Dinasaur wasnt as smart as he thought he was! HA!

Well I’m off, because he has woken up from his slumber and I made him a birthday breakfast and we are going to watch his favorite movie and really it cant get any better then that!

And ofcourse what post isnt better with some pics for the day….. and also to let you in on a little secret into my life in the last couple of weeks, I have had MAJOR computer drama! and no I wont go there but all I can say is… Tis the reason for my absence on here! Ugh 🙂

here he is IN my tummy at the beach house, please disregard the “no makeup AND hey I just got out of the shower look!HA!”








He’s a doll face! I would love to meet you both sometime soon!


Thank you for the comment. I never knew people couldn’t leave comments on our page until just recently. So, this entire time I figured no one was looking at it. haha!

ps. your baby boy it a little cutie!


Ooh yay happy birthday! 🙂

Holy cuteness, is he adorable or what! Happy B-day to your son!

Yeay for Birthdays!! Cangrats 🙂

He is so cute! I love the pic with mud on his face — such a little boy!

Oh my gosh, Deyla! CUUUUUTTTE! He’s sounding like the sweetest young man!

he is such a stinkin cutie!! happy birthday chase!