WOW I have a “tweenage” daughter, seriously I may freak out just a bit… or not
First off for those who don’t know the term, here’s a little definition for you:
a preteen or a young teenager.
I was inspired to post this while browsing through personal photos of my beautiful family and kept getting a bolt of lighting down my back every time I ran across a photo of my tween daughter. WHAT? I have an 11 year old? This may come as a bit cliché to most, but dang where did the time go?
I watch her pass me with a sweet smile while shoving her brother out of her way then turning around and giving him a hug and saying ” I love you” to him. Yep its just like that. The craziness we call the “ups & downs”. She sits on her bed strumming her guitar and singing so softly so knowone can hear her. But I do, I hear her and watch her as she goes through this crazy thing we called life. And its a hard one for this age, they go through puberty and excessive changes, their emotions, their thoughts. They are a complete mess and thats what we are here for as parents, to guide them and help them get through this awkward stage in their lives. And we pray that they come out of it knowing that they are loved more then life itself.
My daughter and I have frequent talks about life and simply girly stuff just to see where she’s at in this stage of life, I want to make sure her thoughts and questions are answered in the best way I can. They need to know we have all been there before and could possible provide some insite 😉 We as parents, have a responsibility to our children, don’t ignore this time in your child’s life just because you may not understand fully what they are going through, talk to them.
Every time I see that smile on my daughter’s face, it reminds me, that I know we are doing a good job raising our tween-age daughter and I couldn’t be more excited to watch her grow into a beautiful women inside and out and knowing I may have had a small part in that 😉